Monday, May 22, 2006


DAY 21- Forget hunting. I'm getting some.

DAY 22

1:30 am- "Christie! Hey, you awake?" It's Artie. "NO Mutherfucker!" I reply from my bed. "Can I stay in the room?" Artie whines. "Go ahead." I relent and go back to sleep.
6:00 am- The wind is blowing and the house is freezing. Artie is already up. "Hey guide. You open for business?" I get up make coffee. 28 degrees and stiff westerly wind. As I write blog we debate where to go. Yahoo news- DaVinci Code is doing good at the box office. Reviews are less than stellar. I've already red Born in Blood and The Gnostic Gospels. No sense in seeing this crap.
7:00 am- Get in Arie's borrowed truck and head across the river. Pull in a dirt road and spot a bird heading into the woods. I give Art my gun and call. A hen answers and I think i see a Jake in strut. The hen comes in and Art shoots and misses. Then the jake come in. Artie has already given up and taken his mask off. I lecture him about taking illegal birds and he gives me 50 dollars to shut me up.
7:54 am- Come home and Art calls a guy he met in the local bar who sez he hears gobbles every morning. We get directions to his place. "Do you know where the Hoot Owl bar is?" Artie asks. I say I do and we head out. On the road to this guy's house we spot at least a half dozen gobblers in strut. We pull the truck in and try to circle the birds. But first i go in the house just to make sure we have permission. "Are you Mark?" I ask the guy on the ladder. He says it's Ok to hunt. By the time Artie camos up the birds are headed deep into the woods. They gobble a couple of times to my calls, but we never see them again.
11:30- Go back to thank the guy in the house and notice the name on the ladder- Lounsbury. I know this guy. It's Mark "Dark" Lounsbury. My brother Bird works for his brother Jeff. Small fucking world.
11:45 am- Drive back to my place. Arite tells me all about his wife hitting him with a frying pan and how he clocked her and that he has to go to court on Wed."Shouldn't be a problem." he assures me. I went to school with the chief of police. I make breakfast and pull out the fifty in my pocket. It's been a good morning. End Day 22.


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