Thursday, May 18, 2006


4:00 am- Alarm goes off. Get up. Out of coffee and the Exxon station isn't open. Make tea. Yech! BBC news- a bunch of Brit twits yammering about one thing or another. I can't pay attention. That accent drives me crazy. No wonder that tea tastes bitter. My brain starts to swell. 45 degrees and clear. Moon is out. Last night Bird called and told me he heard one gobble when he went out for wood. Artie was supposed to show up last night with Oxycontin and pot for my back but never showed. I'm not 100%, but feel well enough to hunt.
4:45 am- Drive to Montgomery. Hunt the hill behind Bird's. Nothing gobbles.
6:30 am- Cross the road to hunt that property. Suburbia is spreading, but there's still some ground to hunt. I see a pair of ears sticking out of the tall grass out in a field. It looks like a deer but then stands up and shakes the water off it's fur. It's a big coyote. I squeak on the slate and his ears prick up. But then he takes off on a full run away from me. Must have smelled me.
7:30 am- Head back to the car and that hawk dive bombs me again. Four Guinea hens cross my path. Drive back to Glen Wild. Buy cup of coffee at the Exxon station. Write blog.
10:00 am- Confirmation hearings for CIA head Gen. Hayden are on the radio. What a joke! Shewho is supposed to come up for the weekend but i don't want to get my hopes up. The past three weekends have been a bust. I understand. Hubby and kid come first. Return emails and go back in the woods. Never see nor hear a thing. Less than 2 weeks left in the season. Six years left in the blogmoir. End Day 18.


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