Wednesday, May 17, 2006


8:00 am- Get up. Make coffee. Last night I threw out my lower back bending over to pick up a log for the fire. The pain is so excruciating i can barely walk. Baby steps to the computer. Write blog. Yahoo news- Paul McCartney and his wife call it quits. 45 degrees. Slight breeze. partly cloudy. Want to go in the woods, but can't move. Call GNJohn who gets my mail and brings me some pain killers.
9:00 am- Pain killers start to work. Good thing Greg is gone. A hand full of pills and another 12 pack and I wouldn't be able to reach the cattle prod. Two deliquent tax bills come in the mail for the property i sold in the fall. I call the treasurer who tells asks me if i know who i sold the place to. "Don't you know?" I ask increduously. "Sir....there's no need to shout." the woman shouts. "Excuse me. But do i have to do your work for you? How many people do you get to pay taxes twice? You're wasting my tax dollars sending fradulent tax bills to me. The postage alone is....." She hangs up on me. I told you this county was corrupt. Gotta go lay down. End Day 17.


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