Tuesday, May 16, 2006


8:00 am- Get up. Make coffee. Greg's still asleep, whimpering like a little puppy. 45 degrees and driving rain. I don't even consider going in the woods. I'm too exhausted from fending off Greg's advances. Last night he informed me that I'm just too uptight and he likes it when i sob. i tell him the sobbing is out of fear, not enjoyment. God knows what goes on down in PA. Thank goodness he's leaving today. I can put the cattle prod away.
8:30 am- Greg gets up. Yesterday we drank Coronas, smoked reservation Jacks, told stories and watched TV all day. When WAG THE DOG came on I remembered the time I was working in the Dakota for Jane Rosenthal (the producer) and how she and her husband Craig Hatkoff (the investment banker), were hosting a big Dem. fundraiser for Bill Clinton. W.T.D. had just come out and as i remember it Monica Lowinsky had just been picked up on pop culture radar. The secret service had to check our tool bags every day as we put the finishing touches on the Rosenthal/Hatkoff place. I was working on the fireplace surround. "Check this out." I said to one of my fellow carpenters. I had written- PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON STOOD HERE. on the back of the oak flooring just before installing it. Then Deniro came in the door and introduced himself as "Bobby.' Hillary just glared. We all knew who everyone was.
9:00 am- BBC news- Al Sistani has lifted the fatwa on killing gays in Iraq, but kept the one on killing lesbians in place. That doesn't seem fair. I play Greg some old Church of the Little Green Man tapes and we drink coffee and smoke more rez. cigarettes.
10:00 am- Greg takes off to the city to hang with Alec Morton ( Raging Slab's aces bass player and son of CNN's Bruce Morton). He invites me along, but I have a city-phobia these days, so beg off. The rain comes down harder. End Day 16.


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