Sunday, May 07, 2006


Reset alarm to 4:30 am. When it goes off i hit it and fall back asleep.
4:45 am- Knock at the door. It's Art's brother Gary. Coffee for two. Gary's hunting down by the sewer palnt and I'm going after the one behind the schoolhouse. 32 degrees and calm. Light frost. Yahoo news- Top story: 3 Florida construction workers die after falling into quik set concrete. Are we still at war?
Nothing gobbles from the roost. Tom turkeys go through three cycles when they are very active, searching out hens. When they stop gobbling it usually indicates the end of a cycle. Weather can also be a factor. Sudden changes in cold or hot, wet or dry, can also shut them up or fire them up, as the case may be.
8:30 am- Finally one gobbles across the river. I walk home and get my hip boots. It's time to go after this one. A bald eagle flys down the river, infuriating a nesting pair of geese. Blue birds, gold finches, cardinals and fly catchers are everywhere. By the time I get across the river he shuts up.
9:30 am- Finally he gobbles but won't answer my calls. He must be henned up. I can't interest him. Walk up hill to the egg farm. It stinks to high heaven. They have a bad habit of emptying the chicken shit down the hill. The tom moves off and goes silent. I walk by Ray Gilkey's new head stone on my way back to the car. He's to be scattered right next to his uncle Andrew Jackson- "A Friend to All." Give up and go home. Write blog and drink the dregs of the coffee. End Day 7.


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