Thursday, May 04, 2006


4:55 am- alarm goes off. Hit it and go back to sleep.
7:45 am- get up. Coffee. Write blog. 55 degrees and clear. Slight NE breeze. Democracy Now news: The top story is Steven Colbert's routine at the Washington Press Corp shindig. I haven't seen a piece of political theater this good since Andy Kauffman called bullshit on "acting" stoned with Michael Richards, on that show Fridays. And that was 20 years ago. With George Bush sitting 10 feeet to his right, Mr. Colbert ripped into him, his wife, the press, the politicians in the room and the entire sick society in general. You could hear a pin drop in the room. The look on Bush's face was worth the price of admission. I hope Colbert doesn't cheat on his taxes or cruise highway rest stops. Who's next year's guest? Dave Chapelle? Whoever booked Colbert is now being fitted for cement boots.
Instead of driving down to Ray Gilkey's I decide to hunt the upper ridge. I cross the neighbor's fence lines and call from high in the forest. Only the one across the river answers. After an hour I move down to the river to try to entice him to fly across. He answers, but holds his ground. At 11:00 am I give up and head home. No sense in being greedy or getting my feet wet. As soon as i get in the house there's a knock at the door. It's Slick (my producer), back from his month in Argentina. We catch up, email Greg in PA about the lead tracks that we have to mix for Lucky 13 and comiserate about our pitiful sex lives. I feel better knowing a good looking 30 year old guy, with money and talent isn't getting laid either. The noon whistle blows. End Day 4.


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