Saturday, May 13, 2006


8:00 am- Get up. Coffee. It was raining so hard last night i didn't even think twice about sleeping in. If I hadn't killed two birds I'd be in the woods right now, but that, combined with the lousy weather, keeps me warm and dry. 50 degrees. Rain. No wind. NPR news- Top story: NSA Gen. Whozit? replaces Porter Goss as head of the CIA. What do they say about Fascism being the perfect meld of corporate, government and military power? Cyanide cap anyone?
9:00 am- Greg calls from PA and can't get through because I'm on line writing my blog. He emails me. Slick is having a birthday party and promises psychedlics and model type babes. You'd think it was Greg's birthday. He's coming out of those Pennsy hills for the estrogen hits and mushroom tea. Hope we don't scare those skinny girls away.
10:00 am- Go to store to pick up oven bag, apples, an onion and some turkey seasoning. I've promised Slick I'd roast a turkey for the festivities.
11:00 am- Stuff bird with apples and onion, sprinkle on seasoning and put in oven. Call Star to get cooking time. The old man wants the turkey report. "It's in the oven." I tell him. "20 minutes per lb." Star informs me. "Love you." she says. "Love you too." I say back. I know I'll be too wasted to make Mother's day. Star knows too. Every day's Mother's day in this house. A man's gotta do....End day 13.


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