Sunday, May 28, 2006


4:00 am.- Alarm goes off. Get up. Last night Artie left me a bunch of phone messages about his truck breaking down, and work, etc. He said he'd meet me at the Quickway Diner at 4:30 am. I wasn't holding my breath.
4:30am- Pull in Quickway Diner. Two cars in parking lot, niether of which are Artie's. Buy coffee and drive to Dark's to hunt alone.
4:55am- Just getting light. Hens are cackling close by, as i load gun and sneak in woods. Sit quietly without calling. Wait to hear a gobble.
5:30am- Two birds fly from the roost, but still no gobbles. Where are those toms?
5:54am- Move to another spot and spook two more birds off the roost. Can't tell whether they are toms or hens. Most likely there are hens.
6:15am- Catch sight of something moving 100 yards through the woods. It's a big dark grey coyote. I make a call and he comes towards me. Just as he passes a big deadfall i get on him and fire. He spins and comes right at me teeth barred. I shoot again and miss. He turns and I roll him with the third shot. He drops, but gets right back up. i have to reload. In the process i lose sight of him and never see him again. I feel terrible. I know i hit him hard, but there's no blood trail and there's posted signs everywhere. I give up and drive home. Should've stayed in bed. End- Day 28.


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