Thursday, April 20, 2006


By the time the New Museum show rolled around MO David,Inc. was out of business. The NM show included Ulay and Marina Abramovitz, Linda Montano, James Lee Byars, Buddy Orange and Kristan Kohl. They showed evey painting KK (I) had done in a two year period. It was my first museum show and a big deal. The disappointment of the gallery closing was tempered by the excitement of the upcoming show. All the Christmos came into the city for this one. Even Milawyer showed up. I blew them all off to get laid. Sorry.
Like the feeling I had at Woodstock in '69, I was sure this was the beginning of something big. And, just like Woodstock, the show CHOICES was essentially the end of me showing within the institution. I had laid it all out- the context of gallery, the content of paintings. It was politely recieved and everyone moved on. The EV art scene was declared dead and galleries began closing at an accelerated rate. A few of the more commercial spaces moved to Broadway, but the spark of the EV had been extinguished by gentrification, and 2 year commercial leases doubling and tripling. Chelsea was still a few years away from becoming a player. It was time to try something new.
The art scene may have been dead but the party was far from over in the EV. I had recieved an eviction notice from the landlord because he had discovered I was subletting Oursler's apartment. I promptly ceased paying rent and waited for the knock at the door. I didn't know it then, but the knock wouldn't come for four years. Without having the burden of rent, I worked sporatically, and began writing songs. After a couple of phone calls i hooked up with a band willing to try my stuff. Two rehearsals later Purple Geezus was formed. BNJulie couldn't decide whether to break up with me or Rochester. Eventually she decided to stay with him and lie to me. I bought it hook, line and sinker. You believe what you want to believe.
I stashed all the KK paintings at my folks' and Bird's place and went back to my empty, free apartment. Cookie forgave me for my cheating ways and we stayed close. I would cry on her shoulder about my suspicions regarding BNJulie and she would tell me it would all work out. When I left, she took two little dolls in her grasp, and stuck pins in their eyeballs. One afternoon a bunch of us were snorting speed, shooting heroin, dropping acid, drinking hard whiskey and watching TV at my apartment when someone had the idea of forming a church. I was the obvious choice for minister. Someone said "We can charge a dollar to get in." Then another voice spoke up. "NO. They can BURN a dollar."


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