Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I yanked and yanked on that Neon's reins but the pony smelled her stall and headed straight for Glen Wild. One broken pipe, two meowing cats and a pile of bills waited for me. GNJohn and Carlito, a guy who wanted to photograph the church and another who wanted to buy Ray Gilkey's trailer showed up during the day. Everything seemed fine and I have to say it was good to be back in the sugar shack. I started a fire and soaked it all in.
This trip wouldn't have been half as much fun without staying at people's houses and reconnecting with many I hadn't seen in years. Here's the list. Special thanks and an open invitation to all of them if a port in the storm is ever needed.

1. Greg- Costello, PA. A special fund for bail money has been set up in your name. Vera has the key to the strong box. "Com'on GREG! Why'd you stop?"
2. Milawyer, Mrs. Milawyer, Rocky, Blondie and Mr. P., Wheeling, W. Virginia. This family gets the award for the most comfortable and gracious digs on my whole trip. Don't worry I won't tell any of my other friends your address.
3. Al Bunetta- Prez. of Oh-Boy Records, Nashville, Tenn. Watch WALK THE LINE for a recreation of my meeting with Al. It's exactly the same except for the listening, and ensuing successful music career.
4. Sweets, Yoko and Little Dog- Dallas, TX. Proving once and for all your first love never leaves your heart. Feed those dogs some steroids and move back north. We promise not to make fun of your draaaaaaawl.
5. The Family Rock- Don, Leanne, Tiberious, and Aris- Austin, TX. Tiberious is the only other person I've ever met who has a fear of fruit like myself. That alone will bring me back to TX. We have to stick together.
6. John, Mark, and Perry- Houston, TX. These guys are a lot of fun. Even the gay one- Perry is cool. Thanks for the eye medicine.
7. Miguel- Mexico City. Take away Ray Pettibone's girlfriend, the smog, the traffic, and fear of getting my car jacked and MC was a groove. Donde esta bano? Next time I'll stay more than a day.
8. JW- Yucca Valley, Ca. For a man who doesn't eat cooked food and lives in a litter box he's surprisingly healthy. I WILL tell all my friends your address. Paris and Nicole are very excited about coming to visit.
9. TR, Thu, Calder and Miller. Somewhere, Ca. 210 bpms and a certain pose and your morning crap comes out like a warm sticky bun. These people are visionaries.
10. El Prof. (Miestro) and Monasita- SF, Ca. The Simon Cowell of academia, I once asked him how Monasita could grow up so well adjusted? I seemed to be such a disappointment to him, I wondered how Mona survived his criticism. "She never disappointed me." was his simple reply. I'll try harder.
11. Pepe Duzades- SF, Ca. The current resident of The Bunker who graciously let me stay while I was in town. I think I left some Chinese food in the fridge. Help yourself. Does the Dean know you're down there?
12. Paul and Sarah- Chicago, Ill. My most recent chance to be an uncle. I hope it's not a pony.

So that's it. I'm home safe and sound. Now back to the story.


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