Tuesday, March 14, 2006


After breakfast with DI at Jim's in the Mission I left SF on a cloud of nostalgia and old friend groove. Typical of Mr.Ireland he has a hot caregiver-Nurse Rebecca to help him remove the wad of bills from his pocket.He looks and acts much better than previously reported-not too much worse for the wear.I closed up shop at the Toot (now on spring break) and headed for Reno. Just that little taste of Academia gave me a hankering for a vacation. I hear all the kids go to Reno for break so why shouldn't I?
The candy coated Sierras loomed as I got close to Tahoe. Per El Miestro's advice I didn't get chains. The roads were clear but a good foot of snow covered the trees and more was coming. If my timing held I could slip east between storms. I figured on making it a light day of driving and stay over in Reno. I picked the Stardust Motel for it's name and lack of crackwhores in the parking lot. Reno is all you've ever wanted in sleasy underbelly cowboy casino town. The mullet is the haircut of choice and those pesky crack hos are everywhere. Mabe it was Can Cun the kids go to. I always get the two mixed up. Anyways I stashed my gear and went for a tour of Reno's pawn shoppes fo used guitars. No luck. Then I went to The Legacy to eat,drop $20 in the slots and catch the old people vibe.The locals are scary but the tourists are one step out of the grave. They make DI look like he's ready to run the marathon.
All the glamour wore me out. Bob Dylan's coming on April 1 to play. I want to believe it's an April Fool's joke but I don't think so.I hope he stays at The Stardust. I highly recommend it. $30 a night with coffee.By morning there was an inch of snow on the car and and I headed for Salt Lake City. Driving was foggy and slick but the speed limit is 75 mph so I made up some time. It's spring break here also, but I don't see many kids here either. Looks like another lonely night of jelloshots out of my own belly button. Anyone got a goldfish I could swallow?


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