Sunday, February 26, 2006


Hit Mexico City last night. Or I should say it hit me. After hundreds of miles through winding mountain roads with trucks passing on curves the blanket of smog was almost welcoming. It's big. I have to keep my fearophobia in check and plan my next move. The trip is getting expensive. Even Mexico ain't cheap. Do I head for San Salvador or play it safe and head for Cali? First I need coffee.

I know some of you homeschool your kids so lets start the day with a little Spanish lesson. First learn to say Mi espanol es muy malo.- My spanish is very bad. This sets the tone. REPETIME. OK. Muy bueno. Now order coffee. Cafe con leche por favor- Coffee with milk please. Gotta go? Donde esta bano?- Where is the bathroom? Throw in some Buenas dias and como estas? and you can travel. Remember alwayssmile, tip good and act responsible and humble. Nothing worse than acting like an entitled gringo.
It' Domingo so I'm gonna keep it short. Might as well play video games for the rest of class. Adios.


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