Tuesday, February 21, 2006


In 1991 0r 92 I went to the first Lollapalooza with my friend Chuckles the Clown. Chuck was hooked up with the band the Butthole Surfers so we were able to scoreVIP passes and hang back in the trailers with the talent.It was a hot day punctuated by thunderstorms. I remember this because after we parked the car Chuck and I downed a hit of LSD each and the acid along with the electricity in the air made the little hairs on my arm stand up. Ice T was there and as the acid came on the little trailer began to swell and constrict like a puppy's distended belly with all of us bouncing inside against the stretched skin. I sat down, cracked a beer and began to talk with Gibby- the lead singer.
Acid makes me charming and talkative. I'm usually a bit reserved and shy. Gibby started talking about TX and i told him that I had a friend who had just bought a house in "Dogshit, TX". He frowned. "Where?" he asked. "I don't know." I said, losing my train of thought. "Gumball or Bugfuck." The train had derailed. "Driftwood?" he said eyeing me suspiciously. "That's It!" I exclaimed as IceT turned into a lizard. "Would his name be Don Rock?" Gibby asked passing me a joint. I didn't even have time to answer before he informed me he had sold his house in Driftwood to my friend Don. Small world. Really small trailer. Quite a big lizard. I had to get out of there before my head exploded.
Now, these many years later I'm sitting at Don's computer writing this from Driftwood.. Cool huh? The family Rock lives in this quaint little house with gingham curtains and lace table cloths. A warm Tx breeze floats in stirring the pets- Rowan and Martin (the rats) and Pig-pig (the guinea pig. Mrs Rock is the perfect mom and school marm in apron and high heels, watching over the children Sally Mae and Pajamas (pron.- Paj-a-mouse) The house is spotless and the children are home schooled. This morning we discussed the free market economy and watched Matrix. Don is off in LA arranging Stinger missle deals and attending tattoo a convention. I envy his beautiful family and genteel lifestyle.

Back at Lalapalooza.
I went out in the blazing sunshine and watched Ice T and Body Count. I had a big cup of beer and as i went to take a sip a bee flew in my mouth. In my drug addled state I was scared to death of the insect drilling into my tongue. So much so I spit beer all over the people in front of me. When they turned in anger I explained " A bee. A be- bu- bubb- beeee." I don't think they believed me.I didn't really care. I was having such a good time it didn't matter. That's how I feel these days (without the head full of acid). I'm having such a good time i could spit beer all over everyone and care less what they think.Too bad Don's not here.We could spit beer all over everbody together.


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