Wednesday, January 18, 2006


'Twas just this morning fresh from my shower
Came a knocking at my door
Then even louder
It was Carlito standing there soaking wet
His baby reindeer had escaped and he was upset

Yo Popi, come on in I said and offered some coffee
No gracias amigo I can only stay a minute then i have to git
Remember yesterday when I showed you the deer?
Well I forgot to close the gate
Now I fear Hairy and Rudy will be coyote bait

Just like he said he only stayed a minute they went on his way
I'm going to leave you these numbers
Call me if they show up
Then he got in his truck

I went about my day writing in this blog
Then laid down on the couch and slept like a log
Rain beat against the windows then turned to snow
I didn't care I had nowhere to go

When I woke from my nap I looked out the window
And what did i see but two tiny reindeer- Hairy and Rudy
I threw on my coat and dialed the cell
Yo Popi your reindeer have returned
Well what do you know?

Then for two hours I coaxed and cajoled
herding those reindeer back in the pen
All time making up this rhyme
Stupid as it may be
Some days you herd reindeer
Named Hairy and Rudy.


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