Thursday, January 19, 2006


Dateline Rome: Researchers at University College London find men derive much more pleasure in watching punishment inflicted on the guilty. Women, on the other hand, still feel for the poor sap...even if they know he deserves everything he's getting. "...their empathy centers still quietly glowed."

For the past week or more every NYC paper has been filled with the gory details of the death of a 7 year old girl- Nixzmary Brown at the hands of her parents. Those researchers are right. I would revel in hearing the guilty parties are severely dealt with. I would also like to see city officials raked over the coals, caseworkers prosecuted and men like Charles Ensley, the president of Local 371 of the Social Services Employees Union, who stated in this climate "workers will start removing children at the least sign of abuse, and that is not a good practice." . I'd like to see him removed. Then I'd like to see him go to "the dirty room". But wait. That's not all. There's more guilt to go around. What's with the family? I don't mean the kids. They were terrorized also. I mean all the aunts, uncles, cousins at the funeral torn to shreds. I hope the hell I'd know if any of my neices or nephews were being duct taped to the chair. And you can take it to the bank I'd drop on dime on their parents, right before I stepped in. Although in some instances...with a couple I won't mention, a stern talking to wouldn't hurt.
The eggheads in Britain are right. My empathy centers are flatlined and my pleasure nodes are craving stimulation. I want justice for little Nixzmary and I never met her. Then I picked up the local rag and some slack jawed, mouth breathing local woman is accused of dropping her 6 day old son on the floor. She said she was aiming for the blanket and missed. Then she bit the boyfriend in the hand. Who knows what she was aiming for there. Then the boyfriend called his mom and Florida, who was the one to finally call the cops 1500 miles away. Three hours had elapsed before the cops showed up. I guess if i was a woman i wouldn't feel so good hearing that mommy dearest was arrested. Once again, proof postive of the neuroscience study.
It's one thing when adults visit violence on other adults. Or kids on kids. It sucks. It's stupid and desparate and damaging as hell, even in small doses, but the playing field is at least clear, if not level. With adult to kid violence it's a whole other ball game. It's just plain evil, whether that violence is sexual or not. I'm sorry. It's been that kind of day for me. Revisiting stuff can bring that out. i didn't mean to harsh your mellow. I got empathy too.


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