Sunday, January 22, 2006


I pulled the Malibu over in front of Friendly's and the guitar player's building and dropped them off. Hollywood was in town shooting on E11th. The usually seedy block looked even more seedy. Burnt out wrecks had been imported and more sneakers added to that pole in front of the parking garage. I couldn't find a parking space so just double parked while they got their stuff out. A young guy with a headset and a big radio came rushing over to tell me i couldn't park there. I hated filmmakers. I had a big Detroit beast that required a big parking space. Hollywood took up a lot of parking spaces to work their magic. Many was the time I got in arguments with PAs just doing they're job. Once in a while I would pull my grandfather's police badge and shove it in some poor kid's face and leave the car squishing orange cones, ruining the shot.
The 11th St. shoot was for the classic Abel Ferer flick "BAD LIEUTENANT' starring Harvey Keitel. As my friends got their wet bathing suits and dried banannas out of the trunk I looked up and there was Harvey sitting in a director's chair. I was nice to the PA and told him I was just leaving. I was a fan of Harvey's. To say E11th between A&B was sterotypical for a noir slum in 1991 was an understatement. Crack had hit town and any spruce up accomplished in the 80s had disinegrated by now east of Ave. A. Rent the movie and check it out. They didn't have to work very hard to make it look sketchy.
My uncle always called my aunt "Louie", short for lieutenant. My relationship with Yummy was a bit like that. I'd learned fear over the years. She was the boss and i accepted that. I was more than happy to do it. I felt I'd been given a second (fifth?) chance for happiness with a woman and I didn't want to blow it. I didn't fuck around. I was working steady. And before I knew it I'd popped the question and Yummy and I were making marraige plans. Her history with men was as suspect as mine with women. We were a good match.
I found a parking space on 7th between B&C, just outside the heroin dealing laundromat, grabbed my bag and went home. There were twin crackhead girls who lived next door. One was really sweet and always said hello. The other was mean as a snake and seemed to particularly dislike me. I never knew which one I was passing on the stairs. "Hi DARLING!" the good twin said. I just smiled and turned the key in the door.
Yummy was worried. Yummy was pissed. Yummy was upset. Yummy was...did I mention pissed? I didn't say a word for the first ten minutes. I let Yummy get it out of her system. Then I put on the hurt face and told how I was arrested on the way home and.....the tongue lashing started up again. For such a pretty girl, she sure had a mouth on her. This was going to be more difficult than I imagined. I thought I had learned fear. Looked like I still had some lessons left in the book. "Jesus, Louie." I found myself mumbling.


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