Tuesday, December 27, 2005


On xmas eve my brother drank a little too much and ended up slamming me against the wall. So far nothing was hurt but my pride, but the night wasn't over. We usually get along ok but for some reason he'd taken an extreme dislike to me under the influence of about a dozen Coronas sucked down in a half hour. He sat across the table, red faced and squinty eyed, just grinning and shooting me a menacing glare. I have no idea what I did or said to set him off but it was evident he was going to strike again. He's four years younger, four inches taller and a hundred pounds heavier than I. I knew if he came after me again I'd have to hit him with a chair.

Let me intoduce myself. My name is Christmo. Yeah, with a long i- like the Lord. This is my story.