Wednesday, May 31, 2006


7:00am-"Christie." It's Artie. Where the fuck did he come from? The last thing I remember is stumbling off to bed around midnight, after falling asleep on the couch. Little brother Duke had sent me some "animal porn" (our code for pot) in the mail and i was banged out. After three weeks of drought I can see. PRAISE THE LORD, I CAN SEE! I get up. Make coffee.
7:30am- Art says he came in around 10:30 last night and I never woke up. I swear my asshole hurts. "What you do to me while I was passed out?" I ask. Art just smiles slyly. What happens in Glen Wild stays....
8:30am- Drive to Mongaup and hunt a place where we saw a monster last year. The can of bug spray does spray. Art punctures the can with his knife and we slather up. The mosquitos are already swarming.
9:30am- Hear some hens, but never see them. I think I hear a jake gobble but I'm not sure. I carry the pistol, and leave the shotgun at home. I just hope Art gets one.
11:00am- Move to another spot. See a hen along side the road. Art pleads with me to let him shoot her. NO way motherfucker. We pull over and call, waiting out the last hour. No luck.
12:00am- Whistle blows. End of season.


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