Wednesday, January 25, 2006


This contact with Sweets is incredible and it ties in so perfectly with my journey (both on the road wise and metaphorically speaking). I began to think of my second stop in West Virginia at my lawyer's house. I say my lawyer. He probably would not refer to me as his client. Pro bono, in either case. I had a history with him and traveling. When I lived in Baltimore, before I met Luscious, Sweets called me and asked if I wanted to go along with her and a girlfriend to visit my lawyer (way before he even dreamed of being a lawyer) in Florida. I explained how broke I was but she said come on along, she'd foot the bill. Women never seem to understand when i say I'm broke I mean nothing but lint in the pocket. What the hell. I stuck out my thumb and 12 hours later I was banging on her door in Knoxville. At least I thought it was her door.
This was the first little wrinkle in the trip. By the time i realized it was the wrong apartment the cops had been called. When I did find the right apartment the cop did most of the talking for the first five minutes. I was burning up upon reentry into Sweets' life. Nonetheless she took it well and the next day we were in the girlfriend's VW heading for Lauderdale. The next little problem was feeding me. I was hungry. After two White Castle stops the girls were less cheery. I was doing OK up to this point but I sensed a chill in the bug and moped a little.
By the time we reached Fort Lauderdale everything had worked out and we were a happy threesome again. I told them i would just borrow a little from each and I'd be OK. Our host was the medical caretaker for a quad., a photograper. He would help him with the everyday stuff like groceries and his business photo stuff. In return he got free room and board and a small stipend. I think he wanted to be a doctor back then. He found another way into your pocket.
The house was big enough for all of us. Now, people often admonish me for glorifying the seamy underbelly too much. And they are probably right. But the thing is, sometimes the freaky stuff is going on right under my nose and I'm clueless. There was stuff going on in that house I had no idea about until years and years later. But, back to Sweets. I tried my damndest to win her back to no avail. So I borrowed her girlfriend's VW went out on the town by myself, got drunk as a skunk and ran the tank almost empty. I couldn't afford gas on the pitiful budget the girls had given me. The car got about five miles from the house, on the way to the beach, and conked out. I had decided to stay home. It was a little hot for me.
Now both on them were on my ass.
The day I did go to the beach with them I ended up in a big argument with Sweets and hitchhiked back to the house. There were three cars in driveway. The photographer was having a session. My buddy was assisting with the lights and I got the girls cold drinks and made cheeze sandwiches. We played a lot of Moody Blues and Yes.
When we got back to Tenn. I caught a ride as far as Virginia with Sweets' roommate's parents, who took an immediate dislike to me. I think they'd heard about the VW running out of gas. I don't know whether i paid either girl back. Most likely I didn't. I'll have to ask Sweets if I owe her on that one. I wish I could tell the stuff that happened in that house when we weren't there. I know my lawyer will deny everything.


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