Thursday, January 12, 2006


Just to show you I'm not always so much the belly button contemplating, instrospective, confessor of misdeeds, if I could have your attention please.....Two famous, quite successful literary types, JT Leroy and James Frey are are being raked over the public coals for not being totally honest in their writings and public persona. In Leroy's case there are questions being raised as to his (her?) actual exsistence. In Frey's case a memoir, hyped by Oprah, is being called fabricated, embellishing of downward slide, and redemptive facts. The press is having a field day pointing accusatory fingers and sharp elbows. Like DJs and critics being wannabe musicians, the press just wishes they could get a book deal. You want truth read the Bible. I think God wrote that one. We know He wouldn't embellish.
My advice to these writers, who I have to say I never have read, is to stop all the whining, and defensive moves and re-label yourselves as artists. In the art world, pulling the wool over people's eyes, inventing fake characters, going to extreme extent to sidle up to celebs, lying about drug use and getting on Oprah has been celebrated since Arthur Craven got in his row boat in Mexico and rowed to Cuba. Look it up. The hub bub shows how out of step and conservative the publishing world is. No wonder I can't get a book deal.
This lack of truth in writing has never been a problem for me. In fact the opposite is true. Most agents and publishers want me to spice it up a little. LIE if you will. Fuck that! I'm an artist. Now let me turn to a movie review. For some reason animals are being manipulated by Hollywood in their nefarious agendas to sell popcorn. Forget the penguins and that stupid Jesus lion. This time it's the monkey. Case in point is King Kong. The third remake should be the charm. Well, I'm sorry to report that even with the big nosed handsomish Placy kid and the dewy eyed, hot Watts girl, this animal snuff film should have PETA up in arms. THREE HOURS! Maybe it would've made a good 30 second spot for Lexus or Blackgama furs.
Because it was set in good old depression time America, blonds and blacks do not fair too well. Square jawed whitemen rule the world and obviously director Peter Jackson needed that for the plot line. You want laughs? You will have to supply your own. When Kong goes amuck after being taunted by a "fake" blond, he breaks his chains and does the monkey trot down Broadway in search of the real deal. Blond after blond is lifted, turned over and checked carefully to see if and peroxide is in play. Because it takes place in the 30's I assume the gals did not totally shave down the punami. I could give you enough racist material to bring this guy before a civil rights inquisition, but nobody seems to notice.
If KK was to be done a fourth time I would cast Naiomi Campbell instead of Watts, Jaimi Foxx as the big nosed writer and Dave Chapell in the Jack Black character. All would go in search of the adomidable snowman. The snowman would be brought back to the hood where he would work with kids, start a street hoops team and eventually get a medal from Pes. Bush. It would be a feel good AND a date movie. The back story would have Ms. Campbell and Snowy spaun a bunch of furry little critters who get teased in school, but eventually rise above the unfair world and become skiers and large animal vets. In the words of Jack Black: "Look at me. I'm touching the beast."


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